Although purely environmental related projects are relatively scarce in Tunisia, the Firm assists its clients on a regular basis in identifying applicable regulations and obtaining the necessary authorisations to conduct their business activities in the country without infringing local environmental regulations. The Firm provides its assistance in relation to any environmental impact study required by the current legislation.

Ferchiou & Associés are well acquainted with environmental legal requirements in various sectors of the industry, including hazardous waste management, wastewater treatment, protection of underground reservoirs, toxic substances, noise, as well as matters of health and safety.

Our clients include power plants (rejection of cooling water into the sea and release of co² in the atmosphere), transportation infrastructures (storage of fuel for air carriers), petroleum companies (management of drilling muds), project developers (impacts of the construction of residential and commercial units on wildlife, flora and urbanism), textile manufacturers (fading units), manufacturers of cosmetics and detergents(management of chemical products), foundries and cement plants (corrosive substances), manufacturers of automobile parts (management and disposal of oils), etc.